computer aided DISPATCH
Core Technology’s computer-aided dispatch system (CAD) is a solution that provides agencies with a basic call for service. It is a straight-forward tool that guides users through initiating and recording information that begins with a phone call from a citizen, dispatch or originates from personnel in the field. Our CAD integrates with Talon Incident Management System (TIMS) and supports mobile with Talon MDC.
Everything starts with cad
Our CAD is competitively priced and has multiple implementation options to fit small, single dispatch agencies.
TAC.10 CAD is a comprehensive CAD system specifically designed for the optimal resource management of public safety organizations.
A true multi-agency solution, TAC.10 CAD improves the operational efficiency of Law Enforcement, Fire and EMS response through rapid dispatch and tracking of appropriate resources.
TAC.10 CAD puts all the tools you need to respond quickly and accurately right at your fingertips!

- Automated recommendation of best-scenario response
- Address validation against street layers and address points
- Superb administrator configurability
- GIS data delivered to dispatchers instantly, including intersections
- User-friendly Mapping features with unlimited map layers with deep level address information like floorplan maps and hazard/safety alerts
- Integrated NCIC and RMS queries

Map-Based Advantage
A 911 caller’s ANI/ALI information immediately populates the CAD call-taker’s screen and places the incident on a map.

Best-Scenario Response
Response recommendations can be configured for each incident type, and subsequently tracks the status of Law Enforcement, Fire, EMS and other units.
Talon Call for Service
Talon Call for Service (CFS) provides agencies with a basic Computer Aided Dispatch system. It is a straight-forward tool that guides users through initiating and recording information that begins with a phone call from a citizen, dispatch or originates from personnel in the field. As a part of the Talon software suite, CFS is built into the same application with one login and one password, integrates with Talon Incident Management System (TIMS) and supports mobile with Talon MDC.
Benefits of talon call for service
Using data already available through Talon allows for fewer keystrokes to complete a call for service, saving time and improving accuracy. There are no special hardware requirements, it is multi- station and portable. Various add-on modules are available for extension.

Talon CFS is competitively priced
with multiple implementation options to fit every agency.
Agencies can leverage their existing Core Technology investment in software products like Talon, TIMS and MultiBridge. Future releases provide additional features and functionality to better meet overall call for service needs.
Powerful Capabilities
Talon CFS is loaded with critical features and functionality. Call queue, one screen data entry, type ahead ability, auto time stamping and call number assignment save critical
time and increase accuracy. Unit Call Status and Call Detail views provide vital information in a comprehensive, organized manner. Administrative Review and Reports provide an
opportunity for evaluation and improvement.
Talon CFS ANI/ALI Import Module
Increase the efficiency and accuracy and of your dispatcher with Talon CFS ANI/ALI Import module (TCFS – ANI/ALI ). This CFS add-on module automatically receives the phone number (ANI) and address (ALI) from an E911 caller and displays the information to the dispatcher. The dispatcher has the option to populate the location, phone number and record ’Caller’ information in the ‘New CFS Call’ fields.

Benefits of Talon CFS ANI/ALI Import
TCFS – ANI/ALI makes it possible to automatically load address and phone number information from the Public-safety answering point’s (PSAP) phone system to the TCFS system. Once integrated, the data can be plotted on the GPSGate map, giving a visual display of the callers’ location.
TCFS – ANI/ALI Import is competitively priced to supplement your
TCFS implementation. Agencies can leverage
their existing Core Technology investment in software products like Talon, TIMS and MultiBridge.